We are a do tank and we run as a social business. We will support the transformation
of the way we live, work, consume, and produce in order to overcome the challenges of today and become sustainable and resilient for the future.
We accelerate
and scale
inclusive transformation processes across different action fields and offer a networking platform for pioneers and doers to inspire, design, and upscale impactful solutions
We want the co-do lab to be a space to reconnect, rethink, and redo together to make transformation toward sustainability happen now!
The co-do lab is a brainchild of the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (, an international non-profit think and do tank working with businesses, policy makers, partner organisations and civil society for a good life. With 17 years of experience in international, European, national and regional public and private projects, the CSCP has a wealth of experience and an international network to find solutions to mainstream sustainability
For years, the CSCP is working to increase the impact in the areas that are important for the transition to a regenerative future.
The co-do lab was born out of the urgency to get to the “doing”, implement solutions and radically scale up
our efforts.
The time is now!
We have a core team that is currently setting up the co-do lab. We have the entire CSCP team as experts to draw from and a large international network of partners, and pioneers who have inspired us along the way and join us as part of the do team!
Learn more about our team here!
Ten percent approach
We believe that there is a unique transformation pathway for every organisation. We help you in finding yours. So become part of the do team
to learn, taste and do the transformation together.
“Mit Unterstützung des co-do! lab ist es uns gelungen interne Stakeholder für konkrete Nachhaltigkeitsansätze zu begeistern. Wir haben Zugang zu Pionier-Unternehmen erhalten, die uns komplett neue Möglichkeiten pragmatisch aufzeigen konnten und haben in interaktiven Workshop-Formaten kollaborativ Ideen für konkrete Maßnahmen erarbeitet. Vielen Dank!”
– Georgiana Menny, Innovation Managerin bei Hekatron Brandschutz
Get in touch with us!